WEINIG EasyScan & EasyScan Lite: The most profitable solution for wood optimization

Of all the process stages in solid wood processing, cutting offers the greater potential for optimization. No wonder that many companies start here to improve the performance of their production lines. The use of scanner technology also provides a key function. Defect detection via camera and laser is an ultra-efficient instrument in the race for maximum productivity, optimal quality and the shortest delivery times. Speed and accuracy are among the scanner's main attributes.

The results are improved value creation, consistently high product quality and increased profits. Consequently, in large modern companies, the scanner has long been an integral component of the cutting system and has replaced manual workpiece inspection. Smaller companies, on the other hand, often struggle with making the leap into the digital age of production. They have particular reservations in terms of cost-effectiveness. Now the new EasyScan & EasyScan Lite have arrived to allay all remaining concerns.

All machines

WEINIG EasyScan Lite C


The entry-level scanner with artificial intelligence

  • Increased recovery since the detection accuracy of the scanner is far superior to manual marking
  • Reduced labor costs, since labor-intensive manual marking is dispensed with
  • More flexible production since many different qualities and products can be produced at the same time
  • High productivity thanks to automated defect detection
Detail page  EasyScan Lite C



Artificial intelligence and many options even in the entry-level segment

  • Increased recovery since the detection accuracy of the scanner is far superior to manual marking
  • Reduced labor costs, since labor-intensive manual marking is dispensed with
  • More flexible production since many different qualities and products can be produced at the same time
  • High productivity thanks to automated defect detection
Detail page  EasyScan C
